Update on Coronavirus and Ellis Porter

We wanted to quickly update you on how our team is responding to the situation surrounding coronavirus in the U.S. We understand that the immigration process is often stressful enough on its own, and we’re sure that the added uncertainty in the world right now only makes it more so. We’re dedicated to continuing to help you to navigate this process as effectively as possible during this outbreak.

Of course, the health and safety of all our team members is also a top priority, and we believe we have a social responsibility to do our part in helping slow the spread of coronavirus. We are therefore taking added precautions to make sure that we can continue to meet all of these goals and stay flexible in this time of rapid change.

We will be encouraging our team to work from home as much as possible in the coming weeks. Because we have strong systems in place to allow us to work remotely with our clients, we believe that this will allow us to most effectively continue to work on your cases with minimal delays while also reducing the risk to our team, our families, and the community. The one challenge this presents is in printing, preparing, and mailing packages to USCIS for filing. To address this part of the process, our plan is to have individual team members come into the office on staggered days to focus on these tasks. This may create small delays between when your case is ready to be filed and when we can actually get it mailed out, but we expect to be able to have each attorney-case manager team prepare and send out packages once a week so the delay should be very minimal. That said, we also will take extra steps to ensure that we are able to meet deadlines for any urgent situations such as an RFE response or people running out of visa status.

We appreciate your patience during the coming weeks as we strive to adapt to this unprecedented challenge, and we will communicate any further updates as needed. We look forward to continuing to help you achieve your immigration goals. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and best wishes to you and your families.

The High-Skilled Immigration Team